Okay, so, I’ve been seeing the number 835 popping up everywhere lately. It’s kinda weird, right? Like, I was watching this show on TV the other day, and boom, the TV started acting up, kept resetting itself at exactly 8:35. It was really strange. Then, I started noticing it in other places, too.
At first, I didn’t think much of it. I just thought it was a funny coincidence. But, it kept happening. So, I started getting curious. I started to wonder if this 835 thing had some kind of meaning or something.
So, what’s a guy to do? I hit up the internet, did a little digging around about this “835 angel number” as people are calling it. I found out that some folks believe that these numbers are like, messages from angels or the universe. Sounds kinda cool if you ask me. And guess what? The number 835 is supposed to be all about abundance and prosperity. I’m talking about good things coming your way.
The deeper I looked, the more intrigued I became. I read that seeing 835 could also mean some changes are coming in the love department. They say it’s a time for making deeper connections and being open to changes. Like, if you’re single, maybe you’re about to meet someone special. Or, if you’re in a relationship, maybe things are about to get even better. It’s like, the universe is telling you to get ready for some good stuff in your love life. I even started keeping a little journal, just to jot down when and where I saw 835, and what was going on in my life at that time.
What I’ve Noticed
First Observation: Aside from the TV thing, I noticed 835 on a receipt at the grocery store. My total came out to be $8.35. I was buying ingredients for a new recipe I wanted to try. It felt like a sign to go for it.
Second Observation: I saw it again on a license plate while I was stuck in traffic. I was feeling a bit down that day, but seeing that number made me feel a bit more hopeful, you know? Like maybe things were gonna turn around.
Third Observation: The most interesting one was when I got an email about a job opportunity. Guess what time it was sent? Yep, 8:35 AM. I had been thinking about making a career change, and this felt like a nudge in the right direction. And guess what? I applied, and I got the job. It paid way more than I was making before. Things were looking up!
So, yeah, that’s my story about the 835 angel number. I’m not saying I’m a total believer now, but it’s definitely made me more aware of the little things around me. It’s like, I’m more open to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there’s something bigger going on. And honestly, it’s been kinda fun looking for these little signs. Maybe you can give it a try. Who knows what you might find out? You might just be surprised!