Alright, so I wanted to get some clarity on a few things that have been bugging me lately. I’ve heard about these tarot spreads that can help, and I figured, why not give it a shot? I’m not really into all that mystical stuff, but I’m open-minded, you know?
First things first, I gotta find a quiet spot. My apartment’s a bit noisy with the construction next door, so I decided to go to my bedroom. I also get my phone and set a timer for 60 minutes for a deep tarot reading session.
Next, I found a simple spread online. It wasn’t anything too complicated – just three cards. One for the past, one for the present, and one for the future. Simple enough, right?
I shuffled the deck while thinking about what’s been on my mind. It’s mainly this career dilemma. I’m feeling stuck, and I don’t know if I should stay in my current job or look for something new. I’m not sure about it. It’s all a bit hazy in my head.
So, I laid out the cards. For the past, I got the “Two of Cups”. Now, I’m no tarot expert, but even I know that’s all about partnerships and harmony. It made me think about how I used to love my job and the people I worked with. We were a real team, you know? But recently the relationship has been broken and no one wants to fix it.
Then, for the present, I drew the “Seven of Swords”. This one’s a bit more ominous – it’s got this image of a guy sneaking around with a bunch of swords. It kind of resonated with how I’m feeling right now, like I’m not being totally honest with myself about what I want. Maybe I’m avoiding making a decision because I’m scared of the unknown.
Lastly, for the future, I got “The Star”. This card is way more positive. It’s all about hope, inspiration, and following your dreams. It felt like a sign that things will work out if I just trust my gut and take a leap of faith.
My Thoughts
- Past: “Two of Cups” – It reminded me of the good times in my job and the solid team I used to have.
- Present: “Seven of Swords” – This card hit home. It made me realize I might be avoiding the truth about my career.
- Future: “The Star” – A hopeful card, suggesting that following my intuition could lead to good things.
After laying out the cards, I spent some time just looking at them and thinking. I jotted down some notes in my journal about what each card might mean and how it related to my situation.
Honestly, the whole experience was pretty interesting. I don’t know if I believe that these cards can predict the future or anything, but they definitely gave me some food for thought. It’s like they helped me to see my situation from a different perspective.
I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about my job, but I feel a little bit clearer now. I guess the next step is to do some soul-searching and figure out what I really want. Maybe it’s time for a change. Who knows? But, if you’re feeling stuck or confused, maybe give it a try. It’s kind of fun, and it might just give you some insights you didn’t expect.