So, today I’m gonna talk about something a bit different than usual – it’s about movies that have to do with astrology. Yeah, you heard that right, stars and zodiac signs and all that jazz.
First off, I wanted to find out what the heck astrology even is. I mean, I see those horoscopes in magazines, but I never really took them seriously. Turns out, astrology is this ancient practice where folks believe that the position of stars and planets can influence our lives. People have been obsessed with the sky for ages! The Babylonians were super into it, and they even divided the sky into 12 signs, kind of like our months, but not exactly.
Next, I started looking for movies that actually feature astrology in some way. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. I mean, there are tons of movies about space and aliens, but not so many about astrology specifically.
But I did find a few interesting ones. For instance, I watched “The Zodiac” from 2005. This one’s a crime thriller based on the real-life Zodiac killer, who used astrological symbols in his letters to the press. Creepy stuff, right? It got me thinking about how people can use astrology in all sorts of ways, even for really dark purposes.
- Search for movies about astrology.
- Watch the movies.
- Take some notes.
- Reflect on it.
Then I thought, “What about movies that are just kind of astrology-themed, even if they don’t mention it outright?” Like, movies that match the vibe of each zodiac sign. For example, for Aries, I figured something intense and passionate would fit, since I read somewhere that they’re the most intense sign.
I also found out that some people believe certain signs, like Taurus and Capricorn, are more likely to be rich because they’re supposedly more practical and disciplined. I don’t know if I buy it, but it’s an interesting idea.
The Result
Honestly, diving into this astrology stuff was a bit of a wild ride. I’m still not sure if I believe in it, but it’s definitely fascinating how much it has influenced people throughout history. And hey, it gave me some new movie recommendations, so that’s always a plus! Maybe I’ll start paying more attention to my horoscope… or maybe not. We’ll see.