Well, howdy there! Let’s gab a bit about these Aries sun and Cancer moon folks, ya know? It’s like mixin’ fire and water, I tell ya. One minute they’re all gung-ho and ready to go, and the next they’re all mushy and weepy.
The Aries Sun Part:
See, these Aries sun folks, they’re like a bull in a china shop. Always gotta be first, always gotta be doin’ somethin’. Got that fire in their belly, they do. Can’t sit still for a minute. Reminds me of my old rooster, always crowin’ and struttin’ around. They jump right in, headfirst, don’t even think twice. And stubborn? Lordy, you ain’t never seen stubborn ’til you met an Aries. They get an idea in their head, and that’s it. No stoppin’ ’em. They’re the ones always startin’ things, but finishin’? Well, that’s another story. Always lookin’ for the next big thing to tackle and get riled up about, ya know?
- Always on the go
- Full of energy, like a young’un hopped up on sugar
- Gotta be the boss, the leader of the pack
- Can be a bit bossy, gotta have it their way
The Cancer Moon Part:
Now, the Cancer moon, that’s a whole different kettle of fish. These folks are all about feelin’s. Sensitive as a newborn calf, they are. Cry at the drop of a hat, they do. Everything touches ’em deep down. They feel other folks’ pain too. It’s like they got a sixth sense or somethin’. They know when you’re sad, they know when you’re happy. It’s kinda spooky sometimes. They just want to be loved and cared for. Like a little baby, clingin’ to its mama. Always needin’ a hug and a kind word. And they’re homebodies, too. Love their nest, they do. Always makin’ it cozy and comfy. Nothin’ beats a comfy nest, that’s for sure. This makes them fiercely protective too of their kinfolk and what they hold dear. Don’t mess with their family, I tell ya.
Put ’em Together, What Ya Get?
So, you got this fiery Aries sun and this softy Cancer moon, all mixed up together. What does that make? Well, it makes for a pretty interestin’ person, I’ll tell ya. They’re tough on the outside, but soft on the inside. Like a coconut, ya know? Hard shell, but sweet and juicy on the inside. This can make them good nurturers in the long run, though at first, they might come off a bit harsh. Folks might see how strong they are first, before they see the soft side.
More Stuff About ‘Em
They want to be babied sometimes, but they don’t know how to act all pitiful to get it. They’re all about takin’ care of others, makin’ sure everyone’s okay, but they also need a little tenderness themselves. These folks can read you like a book, knowing how your feeling and using that to either help ya or try to control the situation, especially if they are feelin’ insecure. It’s a gift and a curse, seein’ how they could either deepen the relationship or use it for their own gain. Their emotions are all over the place sometimes though like a baby havin’ a tantrum, focused entirely on what they’re feeling inside at that very moment. In the heat of the moment, that’s all they care about.
And talk about a mix of bein’ brave and bein’ sensitive! One minute they’re ready to fight a bear, and the next they’re cryin’ over a spilled glass of milk. They’re impulsive thanks to that Aries fire, but the Cancer moon makes them clingy and needin’ security. It’s like a push and pull inside them all the time. They can be very loving, protective, and caring folks but can also be easily hurt.
They’re complicated, these Aries sun, Cancer moon folks. But aren’t we all a little complicated, when you get right down to it? Just gotta take ’em as they come, I reckon.
In a Nutshell:
So, if you run into one of these Aries sun, Cancer moon folks, just remember they’re a mix of fire and water, tough and soft, brave and sensitive. They’re full of surprises, that’s for sure. Just be patient with ’em, and they’ll show you their good heart. And for heaven’s sakes, be genuine when you deal with them, ‘cause they can spot a fake a mile away!
Tags: [Aries, Cancer, Sun, Moon, Astrology, Personality, Traits, Emotions, Zodiac, Horoscope]