This Nine of Pentacles, oh boy, it’s a tricky one when it’s flipped over, that’s what they call reversed. See, when it’s the right way up, it’s all about good things. But when it’s upside down, well, it ain’t so good.
You know that gal on the card, the one standin’ there all fancy-like? When the card’s upside down, it’s like she done lost her way. She ain’t got that independence no more. She’s all worried and frettin’ about things, I reckon.
She had it all, you know. Money in the bank, a nice place to live, all that stuff. That’s the meaning when it’s right side up. But reversed, well, she might have spent it all on silly things. Didn’t save a penny, that one, maybe.
- No security, that’s what that upside-down card means.
- No peace of mind. Just worry, worry, worry.
- She might have been showin’ off too much, that gal. Spendin’ money she didn’t have. That’s reckless spending, they call it.
That’s what happens when you don’t think before you act. Gotta be careful with your money, you know. Gotta work hard for what you get and you should be careful with material instability. That card, it’s a warnin’, I tell ya. It says, “Hey, you better watch out! You’re gonna lose it all if you ain’t careful!”
Now, this Nine of Pentacles reversed, it can also mean you ain’t got no freedom. Maybe you’re stuck in a bad situation. Like when your daughter marries that no-good boy, and you gotta just sit there and watch it all go to pot.
That’s what this card’s tellin’ ya. It’s sayin’ you gotta be smart. You gotta be strong. You gotta stand on your own two feet. Don’t be relyin’ on nobody else to take care of ya. This reversed card is all about being guarded.
When you see this card all flipped around, you gotta think about what you’re doin’. Are you workin’ hard? Are you savin’ your money? Or are you just throwin’ it all away on things that don’t matter?
That gal on the card, she’s a picture of what you don’t want to be when the card’s reversed. She has no stability. You want to be like her when the card’s right side up. Successful. Happy. Got everything you need.
But that takes work, you know. Ain’t nothin’ in this life comes easy. You gotta earn it. This Tarot card tells you just that. This is Nine of Pentacles Tarot card meaning. You can’t just sit back and expect good things to happen. You gotta make ’em happen. And you need some self-sufficiency.
- Don’t be spendin’ more than you got. That’s just askin’ for trouble.
- Don’t be showin’ off. Nobody likes a show-off.
- Don’t be dependin’ on other folks to take care of you. Stand on your own two feet.
This card, when it’s upside down, it’s a reminder that life ain’t always easy. Sometimes you gotta struggle. Sometimes you gotta fight for what you want. But if you do it right, if you’re smart about it, you can come out on top.
This Nine of Pentacles, it’s a powerful card. It can tell you a lot about yourself and about your life. It’s like that old sayin’, “You reap what you sow.” If you sow good seeds, you’ll reap a good harvest. But if you sow bad seeds, well, you’re gonna reap a whole lot of weeds, and that is superficiality.
So pay attention to that card, especially when it’s reversed. It’s tryin’ to tell you somethin’ important. It’s tryin’ to help you make your life better. Listen to it, and you’ll be just fine. Otherwise, you may lose your achievement and have no leisure.
This is the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card meaning reversed. Remember it, and you can have good things happen. Forget it and you will have trouble. So, be smart. Be strong. And be careful with your money.