So, the other day, I got this wild idea to mess around with Chaldean numerology. You know, the ancient system that assigns numbers to letters and supposedly reveals hidden truths about, well, everything? I was particularly curious about how it could be used to check out compatibility between people.
First off, I grabbed a notebook and jotted down the basics. Chaldean numerology uses a 1-8 number system, unlike the more common Pythagorean system that goes up to 9. I made a little chart, assigning each letter of the alphabet to its corresponding number:
- 1 = A, I, J, Q, Y
- 2 = B, K, R
- 3 = C, G, L, S
- 4 = D, M, T
- 5 = E, H, N, X
- 6 = U, V, W
- 7 = O, Z
- 8 = F, P
Then, I decided to use my own name and the name of a friend as a test run. I wrote out both names and converted each letter to its number using my trusty chart. Next, I added up the numbers for each name separately until I got a single-digit number. This is where it gets a bit mathy, but stick with me. Let’s say my name’s numbers added up to 24. I then added 2 + 4 to get 6. I did the same for my friend’s name.
Now, here comes the interesting part. To check compatibility, I compared our two single-digit numbers. From what I gathered, certain number combinations are supposed to be more harmonious than others. For example, 1s and 5s are said to get along great, while 2s and 8s might have a bit of a bumpy ride. I also found that adding your numbers together and reducing that to a single digit could reveal more about the potential dynamic between two people.
After doing all the calculations, I looked up what the different number combinations meant. It was pretty fascinating to see how the descriptions seemed to align, at least somewhat, with my and my friend’s personalities and our relationship dynamic. For instance, our numbers suggested a strong, supportive friendship with a good dose of fun and adventure, which, honestly, isn’t too far off.
Of course, I’m not saying Chaldean numerology is some magic solution for figuring out relationships. It’s more like a fun, thought-provoking tool. It got me thinking about the different energies people bring into each other’s lives. Whether you believe in it or not, it’s an interesting way to explore yourself and your connections with others. Might give it another try with some other names, just for kicks.