So, I wanted to figure out this whole “love marriage astrology” thing. I started by reading a bunch of stuff online about how stars and planets can affect relationships. It was kinda confusing at first, but I got the basic idea that different zodiac signs have different traits, and these traits can make or break a relationship.
After getting a feel for the basics, I dove deeper into learning about planetary influences. I looked up stuff about which planets rule which signs and how their positions at the time of someone’s birth can say something about their personality and love life. I even tried making one of those birth charts. It felt like learning a new language, with all the symbols and houses, but it was super interesting.
- First, I focused on compatibility. I checked out which signs are supposed to be a good match and which ones might have a tougher time. It’s not just about sun signs either; I found out that looking at the moon and Venus signs can give you even more clues about emotional and romantic compatibility.
- Then, I got into the remedies part. There was a lot of talk about how doing certain things—like wearing specific colors, meditating, or even wearing gemstones—could help improve relationships. I tried a few of these, like wearing green on Wednesdays, which is supposed to be good for Mercury, the planet of communication. I can’t say for sure if it changed anything dramatically, but it was a fun experiment.
I also experimented with timing. According to astrology, there are good and bad times to do things, like have a serious conversation or make a big decision together. I picked a day that was supposed to be good for Venus, the planet of love, to have a heart-to-heart with my partner. It did feel like a good day for connecting, but who knows if it was the stars or just the effort we put in.
My Takeaway
Honestly, the whole journey was more about understanding myself and my partner better than finding magic fixes. It was a cool way to reflect on our relationship dynamics and talk about things we might not have otherwise. Whether you believe in astrology or not, I think looking into it can be a fun and insightful way to explore your relationship.