So, the other day I started messing around with this whole astrology thing, specifically the waxing gibbous moon phase. I’ve always been kind of curious about the moon and its phases, you know?
I decided to dive in and see what this particular phase is all about. First off, I learned that “waxing” means the moon is getting bigger, and “gibbous” is just a fancy word for its shape looking like a hump. Makes sense, right?
- I found out that this phase happens when the moon is between 135 and 180 degrees away from the sun. That’s a bit technical, but basically, it’s when the moon is more than halfway lit but not quite full yet.
- Next, I did some digging into what people think this phase means. A lot of folks believe it’s a time for growth and getting your act together.
- I also read that it’s a good time to work on your goals. Since the moon is getting brighter, it’s supposed to be a time when things start falling into place.
So, I thought, “Why not give it a shot?” I wrote down some things I wanted to achieve, like getting more organized and finishing a project I’d been putting off. It felt good to have them written out.
During the actual waxing gibbous phase, I tried to be more mindful of my actions. I focused on those goals and made an effort to make some progress, you know, taking it step by step.
And you know what? I actually started seeing some results. I got my desk cleaned up, finished that project, and even started feeling a bit more in control of things. It’s not magic or anything, but it felt like a good push in the right direction.
I’m not saying I’m a full-blown astrology expert now, but it was a cool little experiment. Paying attention to the moon phases and setting some intentions during this time actually helped me get stuff done. Might be something I keep doing, just to see what happens.
Anyone else ever tried this kind of thing with the moon? I’d love to hear about your experiences!